Music Video Adverisements and Digital Packages: Edit 1

For this cover, we decided to edit the image t look a little like the video but also quite fresh, youthful and eye-catching. Ths filter placed n top of the image was used to bring the saturation up, the contrast slightly down and the clarity higher, all to give this golden youthful, slightly vintage look. I also put quite a bit of grain in this image in order to once again bring up the vintage look. I also brought the saturation up to brighten her jacket that is, of course, a staple in this music video, therefore, relating to the final video. I also wanted the sky to be a deeper blue so that we could play with more colours in terms of titles and typefaces. 

For the tracklist page, we wanted to make it a little more personal towards the model. in this case, she somehow represents the artist. because she is the face of the song she represents the song. we wanted to make it more personal so we took the picture quite close to her face. this brings the audience quite close to the model making them feel quite connected and involved in the song and the model. because of the proximity of the artist to the audience, it creates almost like a relationship between the artists, the model and the audience. this is useful because it invites them all into this world of music and this industry, therefore creating a forming a stronger fan base and therefore more credibility and popularity, which is the ned goal. For the tracklist, we wanted to match it to the cover so that it once again looks like an ensemble piece and each bit compliments each other. The track list is supposed to be quite simple so we just chose the same colour pattern and the same font just not to change too much in the technical design over complicating it. this way the audience understands the cover fully and feels comfortable reading through it. 

 For the advertisement, we wanted to make it quite mysterious. we chose to use this image because it shows the model wearing this same red jacket and similar trousers crossing a road in quite a nice, suburban neighbourhood with no clear expression on her face. this image can say quite a lot. it tells me that she must be going somewhere due to what looks like quite a fast pace. so now I wonder where she's going and why. then there's the question of where is she, and why is she there. she is dressed in quite a contemporary fashion and she doesn't seem to be the immediate idea of what one thinks of when thinking of suburb fashion. this is quite confusing but overall I believe a viewer would wonder what the expression on her face should resemble. happiness, confusion, worry. we don't know. this creates mystery and therefore curiosity towards what it's about, meaning my approach was successful. 
Technical: Fluorescent Green and Blue: with a grey rim to the writing (to make it clearer)

we also chose this colour scheme because it related to 90s film and/or comic books. This is something that Chance the Rapper seemed to enjoy in his album art so we thought it would be cool to implement that just to relate back to the artist. It also relates to our initial concept which was to create a vintage look to both our video and our album art. this was important to us as we found it made it quite relevant especially for today's massive craze for the 90s inspired things, especially amongst our audience demographic. the large demand for vintage collectables has hit an all-time high recently and many people quite enjoy the 'blast to the past' look. 


We chose navy blue because it contrasts better with turquoise than black does. we found this was a better alternative to black and it also stood out. We chose turquoise because it also stood out on the shelf and could be quite memorable and unique on a modern shelf.


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